Narrative text

Definition of Narrative Text

Narrative text is a type of text that tells a chronological story in the past tense.  Jika diartikan kedalam bahasa Indonesia, teks narasi adalah teks yang berisi tentang cerita kejadian pada masa lalu. Ceritanya bisa benar-benar terjadi tapi bisa juga hanya khayalan. 

The Purpose of Narrative Text (Tujuan Teks Narasi)

The aim of narrative text is to entertain the readers through the amusing story. Artinya, tujuan narrative text adalah untuk menghibur para pembaca dengan ceritanya yang menarik.

Kinds of Narrative Text (Jenis-Jenis Teks Narasi) 

Nah, narrative text ini terdiri dari beberapa macam. Jenis-jenis teks narasi di antaranya ada cerita khayalan (fairytales), misteri (mysteries), cerita seram (forror stories), sci-fi (science fiction), romansa (romance), dan masih banyak lagi. 

Contoh cerita Narrative text

Princess Mandalika

Once upon a time, there was a king who ruled in Teberu Lombok, who had a beautiful daughter called Puteri Mandalika. Because of her beauty, princes and kings from other kingdoms around Teberu wished that she would be their wife. Six of them came to Teberu and ask for her hand of marriage. They were Prince Bumbang, Prince Aryo Johor, Prince Singa Trasak, Prince Daria Loka, Prince Gunung Piring and Prince Bungsu. Each prince wanted to win the heart of Puteri Mandalika.

Her father, the king of Teberu, was very confused and did not know what to do. If he chose one prince instead of another then it would create jealousy and there could be a war against his kingdom. All the princes were handsome and powerful and so the king allowed his daughter to make her own choice. Princess Mandalika was confused too and she also knew the dangerous risk that her kingdom and people would get if she chose either one of the princes.

After several days of serious thinking, Princess Mandalika met her parents and asked her permission to announce her decision in front of all the princes and the people of Teberu the next day on the beach. Early next morning, everybody gathered on the beach. There was a gentle breeze with small waves breaking softly across the shore. Everybody was looking at Princess Mandalika, waiting for her announcement.

Meanwhile, the six princes prayed in their heart that he would be the chosen one. Then in a loud and clear voice, Princess Mandalika Said, ”Oh my beloved mother and father, all the princes and especially the people of Teberu Kingdom. Today I would like to announce that I will not give myself to any one of the princes, but rather to all people of Teberu and my own kingdom.” Then Princess Mandalika threw herself into the sea from the top of a hill and disappeared. Everybody desperately searched for her but she could not be found and people believed she was transformed into flowing sea worms called “nyale”.

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