
Showing posts from August, 2023

Descriptive Text (People)

 Klik link di bawah untuk mengakses a sesmen awal: 1.       She … very beautiful a.        Is b.       Are c.        Was d.       Were 2.       We …. very happy a.        Is b.       Are c.        Was d.       were 3.       The antonym of diligent is… a.        Happy b.       Lazy c.        Smart d.       pretty 4.       The word big has same meaning with… a.        Large b.       Thin c.        Small d.       Tall 5.       She has pointed… a.        Ear b.       Head c.        Mouth d.       Nose   Definisi: Descriptive Text  adalah bentuk teks yang berisi gambaran tentang suatu objek ( Descriptive Text is a text that contain the description of an object, which is an animal, place, people, thing, etc) .   Tujuan Komunikatif: Tujuan dari  Descriptive Text  adalah mendeskripsikan atau menggambarkan suatu objek khusu